Early start this morning turned out to be good timing. As we made our way back, tons of groups were making their way out to Fairfax as we were coming back in. Weather was beautiful and felt like summer time is just around the corner...
I have no pics to share because we basically rode the whole time. I found the descent they rode yesterday on Youtube. It probably doesn't look as scary, but holy god damn...that shit was unbelievably fast. There were times I thought I was going to skid and just eat shit, but I somehow still managed to ride through it. We rode this a couple times.
I don't think I'm a good descender, but here are a few things I've learned(for those who can't or don't know how at all). Some of this stuff is just common sense, but I think there are people out there that have no idea how to ride fast down a hill..
1.) just like mtn biking...i guess you lean as far back as you can because when you brake, it pushes you forward. don't stand up. it's the worse thing you can do when braking... You want more weight on your rear wheel of course(so it doesn't skid) and not your front. because duhhh, if you put weight on your front wheel and you brake, you're pretty much screwed and you'll probably hate your life.
2.) you brake before you turn. i've seen many people brake while turning. i'm pretty sure this is the worse thing you can do. this goes to whatever corners you take. it doesn't even have to be a downhill.
3.) look where you're turning and not in front of you(ie: look to your right if you're turning right. look ahead, not your front wheel?). for some reason, this works really good and you can descend fast as fuck just by doing this. it's like your body follows where your head turns so wherever you turn, turn your head that way and your body/bike will go the same way. not to mention, it'll go smooth as fuck. TRACK RACERS. YOU KNOW THIS ALREADY!
4.) IF you do end up braking while turning (because you decided to go fast through a turn and then immediately became a pussy) you'll probably go straight rather than going with the turn. so you're probably going to end up dying falling off a cliff or just getting hurt real bad. either way, if that happens...let go of the brake and you'll see that you can actually correct this and go through it without any problems. it's basically like you saying "fuck it" and just kinda do it without hesitating cus you're fucked either way. (@Joe "f.i.d."?)
5.) if you're gonna turn left, please don't leave your left foot down. instead, put your left foot up and leave the right foot down and push down on the pedal like you're pushing your bike to the ground. you'll get more grip or something. same with your hand pushing on the handlebars.
again, sorry if this is dumb, but i still see a ton of people doing these things. be safe and have fun!
here's that video i found. this isn't even the craziest part of that descent.
I met up Jonathan and Gabe real quick and checked out the start of stage 3 of the Tour of California. Pretty cool to see all the happenings going down at my local beach! Nothing super exciting really, but I guess it was cool to see some of the PRO's in person. Didn't take too many snaps but I'll share the photos I took. If you were watching the last two hours of the race on Versus, you saw that Radioshack's tempo up Bonny Doon blasted the peloton apart! Didn't expect Schleck to get dropped so hard like that. Oh yeah, Versus - you fuckin' suck for cutting off the exciting end of the race to show the pre-game of the Flyers/Canadiens game (and I'm a big fan of hockey too!). How you gonna do that to your viewers?!
This weekend we ventured out to downtown Modesto for a crit race. Nice and hot out there and it was great to race without wearing arm/knee warmers no question. Good amount of people came out, and thanks to that tent that had complimentary drinks and snacks for the racers, that was awesome! Thankfully Kevin and I were not apart of the two nasty crashes, and I hope everyone is okay. Ended up finishing 9th and Kevin came in 26th. Keep it up sunny weather!
Next up is Panoche Valley Road Race.... Touch Money, you coming out for that?!
Cool video from Michael Barry's blog (awesome writing and pictures from a PRO). Make sure you check it out if you want to read some good content and see some photos from a classy professional cyclist (domestique extraordinaire). The video is taken from a mounted camera on the hood of their follow car, as well as Michael's Flip camera thats mounted to his handlebars. Note what happens around 3:20" - Wiggo goes wild haha.
Although he made one of my favorite races quite boring attacking from 50KM to go during Roubaix, it was awesome to watch Cancellara dominate during these Spring Classics (first time I've ever really sat down and paid attention to them). It was simply no competition for him... wonder how he will do the rest of this season?
Good ride with these two nice guys last weekend. It was eerily quiet in Sausalito on a beautiful Sunday morning around 8am. On our way back in that's when everyone was out and about it seemed... Saw Rainier and Garrett out too!