Monday, February 15, 2010

Cancellara's Milan-San Remo

Not sure why, but I've been watching this last 10K of the 2008 Milan-San Remo every night for the past couple of nights. Just fun to watch I guess, and Cancellara just seems to time the attack at that perfect moment. We all dream of going on a solo breakaway...

Found the clip on - if you haven't been on that site before, you better check it out now. Some of the best coverage with live updates, photos, video, analysis, etc from various sources overseas and local, depending on the race. They do a great job of making the material we all want to see, available! Not only does it post one or two videos, but sometimes 3 or more, from different sources! I also like the "Big Photos" link they usually have with each race coverage. Big photos are always fun to look at if you want to see how your favorite rider's bike is set up, or even just to see what kind of shoes they're rockin' haha.

It's around the 12:00 minute mark that Cancellara attacks to solo to victory. As Chcuk and I talked about earlier, we both wish we had "more matches to burn" to attack, stay away, and possibly solo out! There were one or two attacks this weekend at the Cantua Creek RR in the 5's that I raced in, and it was cool to see it try and form and stay away, and one of them did work for a while but got caught on the last lap.

Anyway, enjoy the video!

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